
My name is Mikhail (Misha) Evtikhiev, I am a researcher in the Machine Learning Methods in Software Engineering and Intelligent Collaboration Tools Lab groups at JetBrains Research.


In 2013, I got a Bachelor’s degree with honors in Physics from St Petersburg Polytechnical University, majoring in Astrophysics. I did my graduate studies at Weizmann Institute of Science, majoring in Theoretical Physics. I got my MSc in 2015 and defended my PhD in 2020. My PhD thesis subject was “On Superconformal Field Theories and Little String Theories”.


I work on two different topics, and pursue each of them in a corresponding JetBrains Research group. First, I am interested in improving performance of deep learning models for code. I work on that at Machine Learning Methods in Software Engineering group, and currently I am focused on using various mathematical methods to improve code generation quality. Second, I study how engineers work in a team, and how can we help them to manage teamwork-related problems. At Intelligent Collaboration Tools Lab, I use exploratory interviews and surveys to understand the pain points better, and devise approaches to create tools that will address these pain points.